Research & Development

Research & Development
Considering the imperative role of research and development for ensuring regular provision of quality products and services, Dhanuka Agritech Limited from the very beginning took the initiative for a strong R&D setup. Today Dhanuka perhaps has one of the largest R&D team led by a highly acclaimed Agri-scientist and assisted by senior distinguished Scientists/Technocrats, having vast experience of working in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), State Agricultural Universities (SAU), and other research organizations based at strategic locations across the country.
Over 27 young and experienced scientists are undertaking field level research studies across the country in different agro-climatic zones for evaluating the use of new products, their formulations, benefits on different crops, appropriate dosage, application schedule & spray techniques to name a few.
The R&D Department has excellent liaison with SAUs, National Agricultural Research Institutes, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK), Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee of the Government of India, and other such Institutions. The R&D cell has the necessary infrastructure to address issues of market forecast, assessment of pesticides requirement in an environment of ever changing farming practices and Agri-inputs, product identification, on-farm product evaluation, creating awareness amongst farmers on judicious use of pesticides, providing services for registration & product development on project basis, etc.
In the recent past, R&D Department has worked in partnership with leading research institutions in India, including Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), different State Agricultural Universities (SAU) and Tea Research Association. The Group has sponsored Fellowships/Awards to students of Agricultural Universities.
R&D Centers
The Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India has recognized the Dhanuka R&D center located at Gurgaon for generation of scientific data and evaluation of new molecules. The Lab has NABL Certification. The Center has also know for providing Soil & Water Testing and Advisory Services, and guidance to farmers on Integrated Crop Management (ICM) technologies including IPM and Dhanuka Kheti Ki Nai Taknik.

Core Strengths
The R&D Department efficiently supports:
- Evaluation of new and current formulations in different agro-eco regions of the country.
- Promotion and creating awareness about the new products.
- Channelizing information to consumers for the right technical use,
- Developing interface with the State Departments of Agriculture.
- Training of agri-input dealers & farmers.
- Registration of pesticides and label expansion on crops by generating scientific data on different parameters like bio-efficacy, residue, persistence, toxicity etc.
- Development of innovative and safer formulation which inhibits safe and environmental friendly approach.
Other Initiatives

The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad had organized a seminar at Bhopal, for developing PPP between the Govt. of M.P and a Private Company, for extending reach of the new agriculture technology. Based on the discussions, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. was the first to join hands for PPP. Besides taking over the Soil and Water Testing Laboratory from the State Department of Agriculture in Powerkheda (District Hoshangabad), Dhanuka completely reorganized the soil and water samples collection, analysis and issue of advisories, Sat Com Trainings, composite demonstration on Integrated Crop Management (including Integrated Crop Protection), on-farm visits, production and distribution of consumer content, demonstration through field results etc.
As a result of intensive implementation of the joint program of activities, there was increase in productivity of crops in the District. In recognition of the success, the Govt. of India awarded ‘National Productivity Council Award’ in to the Govt. of MP and Dhanuka Group.
An independent evaluation of this PPP was carried out by MANAGE and it was reported that this model of PPP in Agricultural Extension (as demonstrated and implemented by Dhanuka Agritech Limited) needs to be emulated in other districts of the Country.

Dhanuka Agritech Limited and Krishi Vigyan Kendra , Chomu (Jaipur), Rajasthan had entered into PPP for technology assessment and refinement, demonstrations and trainings of Pesticides Dealers and Farmers on judicious use of pesticides, especially to vegetable growers. The project showed increased awareness among the farmers on safe and judicious use of plant protection chemicals for enhanced productivity.

Recognizing the distinct role of the Agri-Input Dealers in transfer of agriculture technology, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad started an off-campus one-year Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) in 2001. Dhanuka Agritech Limited was the first to join hands with MANAGE and provided 50% of the course fees for 40 dealers to encourage enrolment. A valedictory function for the pass-outs was jointly organized at Rajahmundry, which was chaired by Director General, MANAGE.
In view of a very positive feedback of over 4 lakh of agri-input dealers, Dhanuka had been in the forefront for up- gradation of farm skills of Agri- input dealers so as to make them credible source of agriculture technology. Dhanuka’s initiative has witnessed three SAUs in Gujarat’s –Anand, Navsari and Junagadh start their partnership program with the Company which is an out-reach of the DAESI course.
Further, the Govt. of India through a Gazette Notification (GSR 840 (E) dated 5 November 2015 has prescribed qualifications for issue / renewal of Licenses for sale of agri-inputs. Regarding the same Dhanuka’s persistent follow-up with all the stakeholders, has resulted in the Govt. of India issuing an addendum to Gazette recently by including one-year out-reach Diploma (DAESI) as well as an alternative qualification.
In collaboration with the Directorate of Extension, C. S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Dhanuka provided contemporary information on agricultural production/ protection technology through demonstrations, exhibitions, farmer’s meetings including content communication to the members of the Chandra Shekhar Azad Krishak Samiti, Kanpur.

Due of low seed replacement rates in the country, the Govt. of India, Plant Protection Division (Ministry of Agriculture) decided to launch 100 % Seed Treatment Campaign in kharif and rabi in the later years of the new millennium. It is a matter of great pride that the communication of Seed Treatment proposed by R&D was accepted and approved by Government of India with minor modifications. To accelerate this Campaign, Dhanuka Agritech Limited partnered with GOI to spread this noble initiatives across villages through its huge network.
Dhanuka had also commissioned imported as well as Made in India ‘Seed Treatment Machines’ to provide door-to-door seed treatment facility among farmers and in villages.

Under the Soil Health and Nutrition project of the Central Government, Dhanuka Agritech Limited had provided Mobile Soil Testing Vans, equipped with necessary instrumentation facility for on the spot soil & water testing and issue of farm advisories. The Vans were in operation in Alwar District of Rajasthan.
A joint program was launched in partnership with the Department of Agriculture in Purba Midnapore District in WB for demonstration, training and interface visit for seed treatment and control of weeds to enhance the productivity of Groundnut. As a result there was awareness among the farmers for adoption of ICM, including IPM.

As per demand interactive visits of scientists are arranged to facilitate appropriate technology backstopping. One such interactive visit was arranged of scientists from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore; Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai; Soil & Water Management Research Institute, Kattuthottam; Oilseeds Research Station, Tindivanam; Agriculture Research Station, Pattukottai ; and National Pulses Research Centre, Vamban to research farms of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University , Agricultural Research Station (Pulses), Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam Farm, Guntur and to the farmer’s fields.
Dhanuka Agritech Limited participated in many projects on Cotton, Apple, Mango, vegetable crops and Chickpea, etc. sponsored by National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi (ICAR) and run by different SAUs. A good number of farmers have benefitted due to these activities.
Dhanuka Agritech Limited was instrumental in developing platforms for sharing best farming practices within the farming community. After the declaration by the Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of Haryana desiring Dhanuka Agritech Limited to organize a platform for knowledge & experience sharing of Cotton Growers of Haryana with Gujarat Cotton Growers. The initiative was sponsored and pursued by Dhanuka Agritech Limited , where 4 batches of farmers were taken to Gujarat’s Rajkot and Jamnagar for experience sharing.

In another initiative with the scientists working in different Agricultural Institutes of Tamil Nadu for enhancing production of black gram by adopting the technology practiced by farmers in Krishna Delta Zone of Andhra Pradesh, the scientists desired to have a visit to Research Institutes and farmer’s fields in Andhra Pradesh. Dhanuka had organized an interactive visit in which 17 scientists from six Institutes and four KVKs joined to exchange knowledge and experience of cultivation.

For the first time, a collaborative project under Private-Private Partnership has been developed and is being implemented since August 2006 with the Bihar Litchi Growers Association to transfer improved technology of quality litchi production to the selected Litchi Growers. The project has the support of Government of India, ICAR Institute on Litchi, NABARD, APEDA, Govt. of Bihar, National Horticulture Board, and RAU, Pusa. It has enhanced the export potential of litchi produce from Bihar.