Mesotrax Herbicide: Advanced Weed Control for Maize Growers | Dhanuka
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Introducing Mesotrax, the innovative pre-mix herbicide tailored to meet the needs of forward-thinking Maize growers. Recognizing the importance of ensuring optimal nutrient availability for crops by eliminating weed competition, Mesotrax offers a groundbreaking solution. Taking inspiration from nature itself, this herbicide delivers enhanced and prolonged control of both grass and broadleaf weeds. With Mesotrax, progressive Maize growers can expect superior weed management to maximize crop health and productivity.


These two chemistries gives diffrent mode of actions in which one is inhibiting the HPPD enzyme. It can be absorbed by both the foliage and roots of plants, with translocation occurring in both upward (acropetal) and downward (basipetal) directions and second chemistry acts as a selective systemic herbicide by inhibiting PS-II. It is primarily absorbed through the roots, although it can also be absorbed through the foliage. It undergoes acropetal translocation through the xylem, accumulating in the apical meristems and leaves of plants.


Pack size 700 ml, 1400 ml, 3500 ml

Features & Benefits

  • Pre-Mix Unique Chemistry
  • Long Duration of Control
  • Safe Crop, Higher Yield
  • Rainfastness