India has emerged as the largest producer of raw cotton in the world and also occupies the first position in terms of total area under crop production. Cotton is one of the most important fiber and cash crop of India and plays a dominant role in the industrial and agricultural economy of the country. It provides the basic raw material (cotton fibre) to cotton textile industry. Cotton in India provides direct livelihood to millions of farmers and people are employed in cotton trade and its processing.
Problems faced by farmers
Cotton is a pest-loving plant and due to this habit it has become a problematic crop for the farmers. Major cotton pest's are the Tobacco caterpillars , pink, spotted and American bollworms, aphids, whitefly, jassids, mealy bugs and the spider mite. The bollworm/budworm complex is a primary insect pest problem with larvae attacking squares and bolls causing significant yield losses if left uncontrolled. The cotton whitefly is a pest of primary importance for fibre, horticultural and ornamental crops worldwide. It can cause extensive damage through direct feeding, honeydew production and as a viral vector.